Your monthly gift to MALT provides year-round support that Marin’s farmers and ranchers can count on.

When you join, you’ll receive:

  • Welcome gift
  • Invitation to a special Farmland Forever Circle hike
  • Invitation to a special Farmland Forever Circle event in West Marin
  • Invitation to MALT’s annual special event
  • Quarterly MALT publication

Reasons to give monthly to MALT:

  • Provide sustained and reliable support that makes a lasting impact
  • Make affordable, cumulative contributions that add up
  • Simplify your giving for convenience and consistency
  • Join a community of donors committed to preserving agriculture
  • Skip renewal reminders with a membership that’s always active 
  • Access a personal staff contact at MALT

Step 1 of 3

I would prefer to make a one-time gift.


Make an Impact

"We see the value of a thriving agricultural community to sustain the quality of our local environment."

- Ron & Amanda Mallory, Farmland Forever Circle Members